Chicago Materials Research Center


The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at the University of Chicago tackles some of the deepest intellectual challenges of materials research through interdisciplinary and highly collaborative efforts, and helps advance the field of materials science through a strong commitment to education and outreach.

Our research aligns with two of the National Science Foundation’s 10 Big Ideas initiatives, “Understanding the Rules of Life” and “Quantum Leap.” These initiatives explore problems beyond the scope of a single discipline, requiring the assembly of researchers with complementary expertise.

As such, we draw on talent from 11 academic units at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. While each interdisciplinary research group focuses on a specific topic, they are scientifically integrated through carefully conceived, center-wide programs with proven impact.

We train a broad group of post-graduate, graduate, and undergraduate students and bring educational outreach experiences to students in neighboring communities. Additionally, we collaborate with international institutions, interact with industry, and run a suite of shared facilities.

This short video from NSF highlights important features of the MRSEC program at all centers.


Director’s Welcome

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