Chicago Materials Research Center


Stuart RowanMRSEC tackles some of the most profound intellectual challenges of materials research through interdisciplinary, collaborative efforts among multiple research groups.

We make a dedicated effort to foster a research environment that promotes creativity and rigor, where students, postdocs, and faculty benefit from interactions with those from different technical backgrounds and research interests.

This effort encompasses a strong commitment to education and outreach that includes initiatives with South Side neighborhoods and the public.

A central tenet of our mission is nurturing the next generation of materials science researchers and broadening participation through successful student training at all levels: undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral fellows.

We operate shared facilities that enable state-of-the-art materials preparation and measurement that require resources beyond what an individual research lab can attain.

Together, the complementary aspects of our program strengthen the entire scientific enterprise and provide a vibrant resource to the University of Chicago, the broader materials science community, our neighborhood, and the public.

Stuart Rowan
Director of MRSEC


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Policy Committee

  • Stuart Rowan (chair)
  • Aashish Clerk
  • Juan de Pablo
  • Margaret Gardel
  • Heinrich Jaeger
  • Ka Yee C. Lee
  • Jiwoong Park
  • Shrayesh Patel
  • Sidney Nagel
  • Vincenzo Vitelli

External Advisory Committee

  • Kate Stebe (University of Pennsylvania, chair)
  • Nick Abbott (Cornell University)
  • Asem Abdulahad (Xavier University of Louisiana)
  • Bryan Boudouris ( Purdue University)
  • Melissa Hines (Cornell University)
  • Peko Hosoi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • Chevy Humphrey (Museum of Science and Industry)
  • Rudy J. Wojtecki (IBM–Almaden)
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